پروفایل مدرس
صهبا صحیفی

صهبا صحیفی

کلاس برگزارشده
زبان آموز
70 نظر
میانگین جلسات زبان‌آموز
قوانین لغو کلاس
زمان های آزاد مدرس
کاملا خالی
نیمه خالی
غیرقابل رزرو
معرفی مدرس

hey there, I am your new teacher and my full name is Sahba Sahifi.I am an energetic girl and I am passionate about English. I have been teaching English for 4 years, I was a teenager when I held my first class. crazy, right ? I have taught adult and teenager classes,worked with different institutes and text books such as: American English File , Eight, Family & Friends and Oxford Word Skills.
I can design and monitor courses which can help you improve your general knowledge of English and get ready to participate in your needed exam.
Just book the first session for free to get to know each other, talk about your needs and take a placement test

تخصص های مدرس

دوره ها

نظرات زبان آموزها
دانیال جان
Based on the evaluations provided by numerous professors within the Oteacher system, this individual stands out as an exceptional choice for engaging in free discussions. Their profound expertise, coupled with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, is truly commendable. Furthermore, their innovative teaching approach significantly enhances the learning experience. Given the affordable pricing of their classes, the exceptional quality of instruction delivered surpasses expectations. It is with great anticipation that I plan to enroll in more classes with this instructor beginning next month.
04 مرداد5
فاطمه زینلی
یکی از بهترین اساتیدی که تاکنون تجربه شرکت در کلاس هایش را داشته ام. بسیار مسلط، دقیق و دلسوز در استفاده مفید از تایم کلاس هستند و طبق برنامه و منظم پیش میروند.
09 بهمن5
حسن کیان
She has a perfect teaching
29 اسفند5
حسن کیان
مسلط به تدریس و لهجه ی نیتیو عالی
21 اسفند5
saeed ghaedi Ghaedi
She is really one of the best english teacher also she is alwayes on time
16 دی5
saeed ghaedi Ghaedi
She is really one of the best english teacher
03 دی5
like always best
13 آبان5
با تشکر از استاد .
02 آبان5
عالی بود
01 آبان5
saeed ghaedi Ghaedi
It was perfect
31 مهر5
saeed ghaedi Ghaedi
It was perfect
22 مهر5
saeed ghaedi Ghaedi
بسیار عالی بود
20 مهر5
the best
09 مهر5
علیرضا ریحانی
الگو آموزشی بسیار عالی و مناسب. رفتار دوستانه و خونگرم،همراه با تلفظ و لهجه درست و قابل فهم. در کل بسیار اموزنده و لذت بخش بود.
07 مهر5